Jason's Surly Disc Trucker
Like Michelangelo chipping away to reveal the sculpture within the stone, Jason's customizing his "pea lime soup" Surly Disc Trucker to reveal...himself. Or something. But is it art? Heck ya, read on...
I’m originally a hiker by outdoor interest which means I am used to two things: 1) going slowly; 2) carrying heavy things. I think most bicyclists will look at my bike and immediately say, “That bike is SO HEAVY!” But when I ride it, I say, “Whoa, 10 miles an hour! This is EASY!” It’s slow, heavy and big…wait, are we talking about me or the bike?
Anyway, this is not a bike that will win races or do technical trails well (I tried the black dotted trails in the Palos System on this bike once and decided I wasn’t ready to rewrite my will). It can tow my kids, carry my groceries, do 50 miles in a day comfortably and help me look like a fashion war criminal; let’s face it—my bike might not make noise, but it sure is loud.
The Specs:
General: Surly Disc Trucker. I’m 5’8” on a good day, so I went with a 52 cm frame. Derailleurs, brakes, tires, fork, and whatever else comes on a bike are all stock – I’m not knowledgeable to have an opinion on anything being good or bad. As a practicing Catholic I assume anything my bike does poorly is because I’m bad at riding it, after all.

Metal Pieces—Fenders are Velo Orange, Front Rack is a Surly with a 12-Pack adapter. Rear rack is a Surly as well.
Shiny Pieces—I’m kind of a flashlight nerd so I use a camera mount for my Sofirn Q8 pro, a supervillainy bright flashlight (that I use at its dimmest setting) that would make Prometheus proud. Rear taillight is a Bontrager, which was chosen for its longevity; my ADHD sparklebrain means I forget to recharge electronics and OOH SQUIRREL!
Talk Jason up about his Trucker and his many adventures when you find yourself pedaling next to him on the next GoodSpeed ride!